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Action On Diabetes -

For the Diabetes Leadership Forum, hosted by Novo Nordisk 24 - 26 April, 2012, an Interactive Bike installation, was created and placed in Copenhagen's Central Station as part of a Diabetes awareness event.

This time around the project was intended to try out the concept in the harsh desert conditions and saw the inclusion of some 30 pedestrians and bikes. 

Thus, amidst the thousand of events that takes place during the week long festival project organizers Michael Wolffhechel and Martin Ersted together with IT-wizard Henrik Gilvad alongside Tad Snyder and Bianca Berger from SolarBeatz summoned at the Man Thursday 30 August at 16:30h to "tag" Burning Man with a huge CO2 painting.

Following an opening speech by project organizer Michael Wolffhechel and greeting of the Electric Parade participants the biodiesel and solar powered party truck from SolarBeatz began its journey around the center point of the festival to create the O.

All to the tune of Melody Club's "I'm Electric"

Having completed the O project manager Michael Wolffhechel addressed the crowd once more to salute them and to express the hope that some of the Burning Man magic may rub off into the world outside Burning Man". And that this rubbing off will also embrace the festivals principles of Leave No Trace and a sustainable approach to our daily life.


Following the speech the convoy embarked on a larger C route again centered around the Man where the convoy passed the 36 core effigies created by Burning Man chapters around the world. Following this C tour the convoy embarked on a 2-shaped tour on the open playa taking the convoy by the monumental Burn Wall Street art piece that was to be burned later Thursday night (due to heavy winds it was postponed til Saturday after the burn of the Man).​

The painting of the 2 ended by the beautiful Temple designed by David Best where a happy project group could witness the completion of the CO2 painting on Henrik Gilvader's tablet that had tracked the entire journey live.
The 2012 events proved the viability of the concept for Burning Man and the project group is already preparing a 2013 follow up.
More news to follow about this along with video and replay of the CO2 painting from 2012.

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